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Our red segmented conspicuity tape is designed to be used on curtain sided vehicles. It is 50mm wide and 50 m long. Each square is 50 mm x 50 mm.


The products are designed to achieve the highest brightness to improve drive safety and reduce accidents whilst also enhancing corporate image.


A single construction means it is easy to cut and apply.


All our ECE-104R tapes are impact and solvent resistant and can be power washed.

All our tapes carry the ECE104R-001059 stamp confirming they have been approved by the VCA (Vehicle Certification Agency)

ECE104R Red Segmented Conspicuity Tape

SKU: CT-S0002
£50.00 Regular Price
£38.00Sale Price
  • Our tapes are available in 3 colours, white, red and yellow and in both solid and segmented to suit rigid or curtain sided vehicles.


    The products are designed to achieve the highest brightness to improve drive safety and reduce accidents whilst also enhancing corporate image.


    A single construction means it is easy to cut and apply.


    All our ECE-104R tapes are impact and solvent resistant and can be power washed.


    About ECE-104 Regulations

    On 4 January 2010, amendments to the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989 (RVLR) entered into force implementing European legislation on the fitment of conspicuity markings to large goods vehicles (lgv). These markings effectively illuminate the outline of a vehicle at night by reflection from the headlights of vehicles following behind. Department for Transport research estimates the potential to prevent 76, killed and serious injury accidents per year if all goods vehicles were fitted with conspicuity markings. The amendments to the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989 required all new goods vehicles with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 7,500kg and new trailers with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 3,500kg to be fitted with conspicuity markings if they were first used (or manufactured in the case of trailers) on or after 10 July 2011.

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